Corporate Profile

Who We Are

POLWEL Co-operative Society Limited is the business arm of Police Central Welfare Fund (PCWF). Our members include officers from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Central Narcotics Bureau.
POLWEL serves our members through:

  • Contributing a part of our net surplus to the PCWF to support welfare initiatives.
  • Offering a wide range of saving and loan services.
  • Retailing of Police gifts and souvenirs to enhance SPF’s brand name and reputation.

Core Values

Our six Core Values guide us to make an IMPACT in everything we do:

Integrity: We conduct ourselves honourably, ethically and with utmost honesty and transparency in all our dealings.

Modern: We keep up to date with current trends, technology and industry norms to meet the needs of our members and stakeholders.

Professionalism: We are competent, effective and dependable in delivering quality work.

Accountability: We are responsible to our members and stakeholders for our actions and results.

Care: We care for our community and support one another for mutual benefit.

Tenacity: We are determined and committed in pursuing the best outcomes for our stakeholders.

Value Proposition to Clients

POLWEL provides a wide range of services and manpower solutions to support government agencies and corporates.

We have also been recognised as the independent assessment body for Singapore’s private security industry.

POLWEL’s strength lies in our ability to tap on our vast network of experienced officers from the SPF, and the wider Home Team.

We bring high standards of professionalism, excellence and value to each and every project.

Value Proposition to Employees

Our people are at the heart of everything that we do. We value our staff and are committed to their growth and development.


“You serve the community, we serve you”


Significance of POLWEL logo

POLWEL’s logo design symbolises the unity and partnership between the Society and its members. The main element is constructed by the alphabet “W” to represent “Welfare” and signifies two persons marching towards the same direction hand-in-hand. Orange was chosen to convey a vibrant and positive culture while blue reflects POLWEL’s affiliation to the Singapore Police Force and the commitment to serve the members.